Add a banner in the confirmation email, to get more out of your order process
A confirmation banner is a banner that the fan will see on the confirmation email. This banner can be used to translate your branding to the confirmation email. To set up the banner, follow the steps below:
1. Go to 'Dashboard' and select the desired event.
2. In the. left sidebar click on 'Settings' and go to 'Advanced Settings';
3. Go to the 'Banner upload' heading, and click 'Choose File' here.

The image has a maximum size of 60kb and dimensions of 730x100 pixels (.JPG or .GIF)
4. Click on 'Save changes'.
Done! Your fans will now see a banner with your specific branding!

After reading this article, still have questions about branding opportunities? Read related articles to the right or contact us using the button below.
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