Increase your conversion rate with the Mailchimp 'Abandoned Cart' automation

Increase your conversion rate with the Mailchimp 'Abandoned Cart' automation

The 'Abandoned Cart' automation is aimed at the group of fans who have left their personal details in your shop but have not completed the order. With this tool, the fans of this target group receive an automated e-mail to remind them that there is an unfinished order waiting for them to complete. 
Before you can get started with the Automated Cart set-up, the Paylogic Backoffice must be linked to your Mailchimp account. How you do that can be found here.
Create an automation email
  1. Make sure the audience you want to use for the automation is activated on the Audience tab.
  2. Go to - Automate > Email > Turn on abandoned cart email - in the top menu. 
  3. Choose 'Email series' at the top, give your campaign a name and choose a store. The name of the event in the back office is the name of your store.
  4. Then click on 'Start'.
Design your Abandoned Cart email
Now it's time to set up the conditions for the content you're going to send to your fans and which triggers will trigger the sending.

How many emails will you send per fan?
The default settings of Mailchimp create a flow of 3 emails. However, the choice is yours. If you only want to send 1 email as a reminder, you can delete the other emails by clicking on the down arrow on the right of the screen and then selecting 'Delete email'.

Which triggers send an email?
With the 'Trigger' option you can set the delay of your emails from the moment an order is not completed. The default is 1 hour, but you can change this by clicking on 'Edit'.

Who receives the abandoned cart emails?
In principle, Mailchimp sends abandoned cart emails to every fan who did not complete their order. We advise you to only email fans who have checked the marketing opt-in.
  1. Click on 'Add' within the 'Filter by segment' option. A new screen will open in which you click the checkbox for 'Choose segment or tag'.
  2. Then click on 'Contacts match the following conditions'.
  3. Within the drop down screen, select 'Email marketing status' as a parameter.
  4. Now you can click on the third drop down box. Make sure that only 'Subscribed' is selected here. 
Design the look and feel of your emails
  1. Click on 'Design email
  2. Fill in all information regarding the details of your email (subject, first name, address etc.).
  3. Click on 'Next' and choose from a number of templates especially made for abandoned cart emails.
  4. You can show the products to the fan that receives the email. The max. is 3 products per mail.
  5. When you are done, click 'Next' again and activate the automation.
Measure the success of your Abandoned Cart e-mail
There is a link between the shop that you send out with the automated cart email and the Backoffice. Mailchimp sends a 'Campaign ID' in the shop link allowing you to measure the number of opens, clicks and orders in the Mailchimp dashboard. Go to Campaigns menu > Automation > View report. It will give you an overview of how many people bought tickets based on the reminder (your conversion rate).
Are you curious about other tools to measure conversion on your website and in your shop? Read this article about marketing tags!

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