It still sometimes happens that consumers unknowingly make a mistake when checking out their order, you can think of:
Accidentally selecting wrong payment method;
Accidentally selecting the wrong bank;
Insufficient credit/balance;
Limit settings on the chosen credit card;
Et cetera.
Repayment has been developed for these situations. Through this, fans can retry their payment while the payment period is still running. When a payment is not made or fails, the fan will see a screen on our shop's confirmation page indicating that the payment has not been made. There is then also a button that takes the fan back to the checkout screen where the payment method can be changed.
How to set this up?
Log in, in the Backoffice;
Go to ‘create’;
Click on the sales channel voor which Repayment may be enabled;
Check the box ‘Allow retrying payment’.
Continue the steps for the sales channels for which this should be enabled.