Wat meten wij?

Wat meten wij?

Google Analytics 4
When you have configured your pixel ID for the Google Analytics 4 tag in the marketing tags menu, we will automatically send the following events to your GA4 pixel:
  • pageview: 
    • Fired on every pageview in a Shop or on MyOrder
  • add_to_cart: Fired for every time a user adds a product to his basket in a Shop with the following data:
    • currency: Currency,
    • value: Product price of product that has been added to the cart,
    • Items:
      • item_id: Paylogic product ID
      • item_name: Product title
      • price: Product price
      • quantity: Quantity of products added
      • affiliation: Event title
      • item_category: Shop page title where the product is located
      • item_list_name: When you are making use of the feature Upsell in the shopping cart page, the value "UpsellInCheckout" will be set when an upsell product is added to the cart on the shopping cart page
      • item_variant: Paylogic product UID
  • remove_from_cart: Fired for every time a user removes a product from his basket in a Shop with the following data:
    • currency: Currency,
    • value: Product price of product that has been added to the cart,
    • Items:
      • item_id: Paylogic product ID
      • item_name: Product title
      • price: Product price
      • quantity: Quantity of products removed
      • affiliation: Event title
      • item_category: Shop page title where the product is located
      • item_variant: Paylogic product UID
  • purchase: Fired for every completed order with the following data:
    • transaction_id: Paylogic order ID
    • value: Total amount of the transaction
    • shipping: Shipping costs
    • currency: Currency
    • items: This is an array of the products in the completed order with the following data:
      • item_id: Paylogic product ID
      • item_name: Product title
      • affiliation: Event title
      • price: Product price
      • quantity: Quantity of of tickets for the product
Facebook Pixel
When you have configured your pixel ID for the Facebook tag in the marketing tags menu, we will automatically send the following events to your Facebook pixel:
  • Pageview: 
    • Fired on every pageview in a Shop or on MyOrder
  • ViewContent: Fired on every pageview in a Shop or on MyOrder with the following data:
    • content_ids: Paylogic Event ID
    • content_name: Paylogic Event ID & path of URL
    • content_category: Event Title
    • content_type: 'product'
  • AddtoCart: Fired for every time a user adds a product to his basket in a Shop with the following data:
    • contents: [
            quantity: 1,
            id: Paylogic product ID
  •     content_name: Path of URL
  •     content_category: Event Title
  •     content_type: 'product',
  • InitiateCheckout: Fired for every time a user clicks the ‘Checkout’ button on the shopping cart page which leads the user to the checkout page of a Shop. With the following data:
    • content_ids: Paylogic Event ID
    • content_category: Event Title
  • Purchase: Fired for every completed order with the following data:
    • currency: Currency
    • value: Total amount of the transaction
    • content_name: Paylogic Event ID & path of URL
    • content_category: Event Title
    • content_type: 'product',
    • num_items: Total amount of tickets in the completed order
    • contents: This is an array of the products in the completed order with the following data:
      • Product ID
      • Quantity of of tickets for the product
      • Product title

Facebook Conversions API
If you make use of the Facebook Pixel, it’s also advisable to make use of the Facebook Conversions API. When you have set up the Facebook Conversions API in the Paylogic backoffice, we will fire the ‘Purchase’ event via the API when an order is placed.

We send the following data per completed order to Facebook:
       "event_name": "Purchase",
       "event_time": "{{order completion date}}",
       "event_id": "{{Paylogic order ID}}",
       "action_source": "website"
       "event_source_url": "{{Paylogic Shop confirmation URL}}",
       "user_data": {
              "first_name": "{{first name}}",
              "last_name": "{{last name}}",
              "gender": {{gender}},
              "date_of_birth": {{date of birth}},
              "email": "{{email address}}",
              "country_code": "{{country code}}",
              "phone": {{phone number}},
              "city": {{city name}},
              "zip_code": {{zip code}},
       "custom_data": {

            "contents": [
                 "product_id": "{{Paylogic product ID}}",
                 "quantity": {{product quantity}},
                 "item_price": {{product price}},
            "content_category": "{{Paylogic event title}}",
            "content_name": "{{Paylogic event ID}}",
            "num_items": 1,
            "order_id": "{{Paylogic order ID}}",
            "value": {{Total amount of the transaction}},
            "currency": "{{currency}}",

When you have configured your pixel ID for the TikTok tag in the marketing tags menu, we will automatically send the following events to your TikTok pixel:
  • Pageview: 
    • Fired on every pageview in a Shop or on MyOrder
  • ViewContent: Fired on every pageview in a Shop or on MyOrder with the following data:
    • content_id: Paylogic event ID
    • content_name: Paylogic Event ID & path of URL
    • content_category: Event title
    • content_type: product
  • AddToCart:
    • Fired for every time a user adds a product to his basket in a Shop with the following data:
      • content_id: Paylogic product ID
      • content_name: Paylogic Event ID & path of URL
      • content_category: Event title
      • content_type: product
  • InitiateCheckout:
    • Fired for every time a user clicks the ‘Checkout’ button on the shopping cart page which leads the user to the checkout page of a Shop. With the following data:
      • content_id: Paylogic event ID
      • content_name: Paylogic Event ID & path of URL
      • content_category: Event title
      • content_type: product
  • PlaceAnOrder:
    • Fired for every completed order with the following data:
      • currency: Currency
      • value: Total amount of the transaction
      • content_name: Paylogic Event ID & path of URL
      • content_category: Event Title
      • content_type: 'product',
      • contents: This is an array of the products in the completed order with the following data:
        • Product ID
        • Quantity of of tickets for the product
        • Product title
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