Add additional information to the confirmation email

Add additional information to the confirmation email

In the confirmation e-mail fans receive, there are several places where you can add text. Here you can put important information and/or instructions, for example.

1. Go to the desired event via 'Manage'.

2. Select 'Fulfillment settings' in the light grey column on the left.

3. Select the 'Add additional information to order confirmation email' checkbox. A number of additional fields will now appear.

4 Add the information of your choice in (one of the) two fields and click 'Save changes'. 

It is also possible to add custom text to the confirmation emails of b2b invoices and/or guestlist orders. 
Now you are able to add the text in one or both fields which are displayed in the confirmation emails to the fan: 
Order summary text:  In the confirmation email, this text will appear under the ticket download option.
Additional information text: In the confirmation email, this text will appear under the information about the content of the order. 
Add a banner to the confirmation email to grab your fan's attention. Please read here for instructions.

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