Create a new ticketshop

Create a new ticketshop

Within an event, you can create multiple ticket shops. For example, consider a separate ticket link for a presale and friends & family sale. Follow the steps below.

Create a ticketshop
1. Go to ‘Events’ and select the desired event.
2. Go to ‘Sales configuration’.
3. Click on the pink ‘Create new sale’ button.
a) Under ‘Channel’, select the sales channel you want to use.
b) If a sales channel is no longer available, create a new one first via ‘Click here to create a new channel’:
  1. ‘Type’: Online.
  2. ‘Sold through’: Shop.
  3. Under the heading ‘Consumer fields’, select which data consumers must enter during the ordering process. (Note: Which consumer fields you request determines data collection).
5. Now enter the name of your new ticket shop (this is only visible in the back office, not to consumers). For example: ‘Presale’ or ‘Secret link’.
6. Then enter a start and end date.
7. Optionally select a theme to design the shop in your house style
If you want to design a theme for the shop, you can read more about how to create a theme 'Here'.
8. Click on ‘Create sale’ at the bottom.
9. Add one or more tickets via ‘Add products to sale’, 
10. Click the ‘Published’ slider from red to green. Your shop is now published/live.
If you want to set up different pages/categories, go to this ‘Helpcentre article’.

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